Top Mobile Tech Trends for 2017

The year 2017 will be a one of massive growth for the mobile market. Technologies have evolved to make mobile app development cheaper and easier across the board. Just about every business now has the capability to develop mobile apps to serve customer and employee needs.

In 2015, mobile users surpassed PC users worldwide – how long can you go without spotting a smart phone? Having a mobile presence can help grow any business or organization in countless ways. If you’re thinking about getting into the mobile market or if you’re already there, following these mobile trends will keep you ahead of the curve.

mobile app development trends for 2017 - Infographics
Mobile App Trends For 2017

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Hiral Atha is the Founder and CEO of Moveoapps. With a decade of proficiency in building digital platforms that drive innovation and user engagement, Hiral has helped businesses outshine competitors and captivate audiences. Armed with a deep understanding of market dynamics and emerging trends, Hiral has implemented strategic initiatives that have positioned businesses as market leaders, capitalizing on emerging opportunities.