Data-Driven ASO – How Data Collection Can Help

data driven App Store Optimisation

Similar in function to SEO, ASO (App Store Optimization) plays a critical role in the success of your web-based or native mobile app. How so?

Effective ASO allows your app to achieve high app store visibility compared to other apps with similar features targeting a similar audience. In turn, the high user awareness generated by the optimization leads to higher revenue. You need to obtain user-centric data to come up with an effective ASO strategy. This can be done by a web scraper, but app stores may reject HTML requests from web scrapers. In that regard, using dedicated proxies can help you achieve unmatched ASO success.

Here’s everything you need to know about developing and implementing an effective ASO strategy for your web-based or native mobile app.

Importance of User Intent in Data-Driven ASO

Just as keyword use in web pages is fundamental to effective SEO, a successful ASO strategy requires that you actively incorporate user-centric terms in your app store page. App store search engines work to provide users with relevant Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs).

Just like SEO, using keywords determines the ranking of your mobile application in SERPs generated by app store search engines. In this regard, a successful ASO implementation helps your application rank amongst the top apps featured in SERPs.

Here are five ways you can use ASO to incorporate user-centric keywords:

  1. App Name: Actual name of your web-based or native mobile app
  2. App Title: The name of your application’s app store page
  3. App Icon: Visual/graphic image representing your app, whereby it can feature an alphanumeric name or a custom-designed symbol
  4. App Screenshots: Images of your app’s user interface and their associated captions
  5. App Rating: Your app’s score on a scale of five stars as set by users who download and install the app

In the next section, we look at how your ASO-inspired keyword use on your app store page influences important behind-the-scenes SERP ranking processes.

SERPs Ranking on Mainstream App Stores

Google’s Play Store, Apple’s App Store, and other mainstream online marketplaces all provide users with inbuilt search capability via a dedicated search engine. These programs use advanced machine learning algorithms to perform three important back-end tasks:

I. Analyzing

Analyze each search query and determine the user intent, i.e., the algorithm determines which specific keyword(s) in the search query best signify the app-specific information a user seeks to obtain.

For example, a user looking for a viable ERP application types “best business resource management app” into an app store search engine. Next, a search algorithm analyzing the user query determines that “business” and “resource management” are keywords defining the user’s intent.

II. Searching

Searches the app store database and identifies relevant information as defined by the user intent, i.e., the search engine locates information containing the keywords.

With the example above as a reference, the search algorithm flags app-related information on the app store database featuring one or both keywords, i.e., “business” and/or “resource management”.

III. Results

Retrieve and rank the information based on relevance to the user’s intent; i.e., present the user with SERPs containing organized information based on relevance to the user’s intent.

For example, the search engine algorithm ranks all relevant results by the number of times that the keywords “business” and “resource management” appear within the app description, i.e., the keyword density.

You should note that the mode of operation defined above is a generalization of how dedicated app store search engines function to rank apps in SERPs. As a result, the ranking of your app on different app stores can vary significantly despite using the same set of keywords.

The outcome may vary depending on the platform. So here are extra app SERP ranking factors.

Other Ranking Factors in ASO

Note that in addition to keyword density, additional factors also influence how app store search engines rank apps. Other notable app ranking factors include:

1. Organic installs

This is the number of times users download an app from an app store and then install it on their devices.

2. Localization

The availability of app-centric information in a locale-specific language as determined by the app store search engine algorithms.

3. In-app Purchases

Revenue channels integrated into the app, e.g., purchase of game credits, level access charges, paid subscription upgrades, etc.

4. Reviews and Ratings

Feedback from users who have already tried out an app

5. Quality backlinks

links to app store pages originating from legit and established websites, e.g., app-specific blogs, mainstream social media platforms, etc

Note that while other factors can influence your app’s SERPs ranking, the inclusion of relevant keywords is the primary determinant in an effective ASO strategy, and here’s how using a dedicated proxy in your app-focused keyword research is beneficial.

ASO Keyword Research via Web Scraping

A web scraper is a purpose-specific tool that allows you to conveniently extract app-centric data from any mainstream app store. It helps you obtain the following information easily:

  • Specific details on competing apps with similar comparable functional capability, e.g., specific names, feature specifications, user ratings for competing apps, etc
  • Number of similar apps listed within the same app category as your web-based/native mobile application on a specific app store
  • Keywords usage for top-ranking apps with comparable capability, app categorization, and target consumer base

It can be difficult for you to collect ASO-relevant keyword-centric data on competitors from multiple online marketplaces. In this scenario, app store servers can refuse HTML information requests you make via the web scraper.

Typically, denied access to information results from IP-related issues, e.g., site visit history, domain specificity, geographical restrictions, and much more. Fortunately, using your web scraper via a dedicated proxy ensures you eliminate restrictions on your ASO-focused keyword research.

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Hiral Atha is the Founder and CEO of Moveoapps. With a decade of proficiency in building digital platforms that drive innovation and user engagement, Hiral has helped businesses outshine competitors and captivate audiences. Armed with a deep understanding of market dynamics and emerging trends, Hiral has implemented strategic initiatives that have positioned businesses as market leaders, capitalizing on emerging opportunities.

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